Max Eleven collaborates with clients throughout a project to enhance the efficiency of the process and the quality of the solution for the short- and longer-term. Our consulting approach is a process, not a single solution. We focus on understanding your organization, its compensation programs and related issues. In addition, we address the fine balance between performance and pay. Only with thorough knowledge of your organization can we show you how to maintain that balance short- and longer-term.
Max Eleven uses experience to guide in-depth research and analysis that confirm and validate a solution. Our consultants, who have both corporate and consulting experience, have a realistic view of what works and what does not. Our consultants know how to plan, design, implement and administer compensation plans for all levels of your organization.
Because you are ultimately responsible for administering the newly designed compensation program, our solutions are straightforward, easy to understand and flexible. Equally important, our programs are designed to anticipate staff and organizational change.